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|| Virginia's Senatorial Race: Lessons of Life from Macaca-Land ![]() Sometimes in life, you just have to admit it... You were outsmarted. On August 4th, Senator George Allen of Virginia was about to learn this lesson in a hard way. If you haven't heard the story yet, Allen was on the campaign trail in Western Virginia, and his Senatorial challenger, Jim Webb, had a volunteer filming him at an event. Well, take a look at the video, and then take a look at the Washington Post's article below... Video of George Allen's full "Macaca" comments on RICHMOND, Aug. 14 -- Virginia Sen. George Allen (R) apologized Monday for what his opponent's campaign said were demeaning and insensitive comments the senator made to a 20-year-old volunteer of Indian descent. At a campaign rally in southwest Virginia on Friday, Allen repeatedly called a volunteer for Democrat James Webb "macaca." During the speech in Breaks, near the Kentucky border, Allen began by saying that he was "going to run this campaign on positive, constructive ideas" and then pointed at S.R. Sidarth in the crowd. "This fellow here, over here with the yellow shirt, macaca, or whatever his name is. He's with my opponent. He's following us around everywhere. And it's just great," Allen said, as his supporters began to laugh. After saying that Webb was raising money in California with a "bunch of Hollywood movie moguls," Allen said, "Let's give a welcome to macaca, here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia." Allen then began talking about the "war on terror." ![]() "The kid has a name," Webb communications director Kristian Denny Todd said of Sidarth, a Virginia native who was born in Fairfax County. "This is trying to demean him, to minimize him as a person." Todd added that the use of macaca, whatever it means, and the reference welcoming Sidarth to America were clearly intended to make him uncomfortable. Reached Monday evening, Allen said that the word had no derogatory meaning for him and that he was sorry. "I would never want to demean him as an individual. I do apologize if he's offended by that. That was no way the point." Asked what macaca means, Allen said: "I don't know what it means." He said the word sounds similar to "mohawk," a term that his campaign staff had nicknamed Sidarth because of his haircut. Sidarth said his hairstyle is a mullet -- tight on top, long in the back. Allen said that by the comment welcoming him to America, he meant: "Just to the real world. Get outside the Beltway and get to the real world." But the apology, which came hours after Allen's campaign manager dismissed the issue with an expletive and insisted the senator has "nothing to apologize for," did little to mollify Webb's campaign or Sidarth, who said he suspects Allen singled him out because his was the only nonwhite face among about 100 Republican supporters. "I think he was doing it because he could, and I was the only person of color there, and it was useful for him in inciting his audience," said Sidarth, who videotaped the event for the Webb campaign. "I was annoyed he would use my race in a political context." ![]() Allen is running for a second term in the Senate while planning a possible presidential bid in 2008. Webb, a Vietnam war hero and former Navy secretary under President Ronald Reagan, is working to derail those plans with an underfunded campaign based principally on Webb's early opposition to the war in Iraq. Virginia Commonwealth University politics professor Robert Holsworth called Allen's comments a gaffe that probably wouldn't change the Senate race but could hurt his presidential ambitions. "This doesn't turn the race around at all," Holsworth said. "But for a guy running for president, this is likely to be regularly aired this year and maybe beyond." House Majority Leader H. Morgan Griffith (R-Salem), who represents southwest Virginia, said the Webb campaign is just "grabbing for stuff" to gain traction against Allen. Griffith said he doubts anyone at the rally even picked up on Allen's use of the word macaca. "Not many people in southwest Virginia would think it is derogatory," Griffith said. "I didn't have a clue what it meant, and I doubt Allen did, either." Sidarth, who is entering his fourth year at the University of Virginia and is an active Democrat, had been assigned to trail Allen with a video camera to document his travels and speeches for Webb, a common campaign tactic. Steve Mukherjee, a spokesman for the Washington chapter of the Association of Indians in America, said Allen's comments were "hurtful," and he chided the senator for not being more sensitive. "The world is so volatile and so delicate," Mukherjee said. "You have to be careful what you say and how you say it. The U.S. is no longer black and white." Asked what macaca means, Mukherjee said: "What it means, I don't know. But it's going to cause him some grief." It's not the first time Allen has confronted charges of insensitivity to race or ethnicity from minority leaders and longtime political opponents. ![]() This year, the New Republic magazine published a photo of Allen wearing a Confederate flag on his lapel during high school. "It wasn't a racial statement; it was a statement about his rebellious nature," said John Reid, Allen's communications director. Allen campaign manager Dick Wadhams also went on the offensive, accusing Webb of mailing an anti-Semitic flier during his primary this year that contained a caricature of Webb's Jewish opponent. Todd said Wadhams is trying to change the subject. "The flier was never meant to be anti-Semitic," she said. "That was a charge levied by our opponent at the time to drive voters away from Jim Webb, much like Allen's trying to do today." - Allen Quip Provokes Outrage, Apology; Name Insults Webb Volunteer (Washington Post, 15 August 2006 Other links on the Macaca slur: The Plank -- "Not only is macaque apparently a French slur used to describe North Africans, Allen would have good reason to know it is. His mother is French Tunisian (yeah, that's in North Africa), and Allen speaks French." (14 August 2006) Allen Sorry for Calling Man 'Macaca'; Va. senator apologizes for remarks aimed at opponent's volunteer, says they weren't racist (CBS News, 15 August 2006) Politicos beware: You live in YouTube's world. Just a Gigolo Allen can't get 'macaca' off his back George Allen's America; Whom it includes, and whom it doesn't (Washington Post, 15 August 2006) Senator denies remark was racist ( Allen Flap May Give A Boost To Webb (Washington Post, 19 August 2006) Insiders Voice Concern Over YouTube The real deal; Virginians are familiar with George Allen - that may be his problem VIDEO: The Daily Show's segment on Allen's "Macaca" remark VIDEO: Footage of Webb responding to one of Allen's implications I happen to know some local Democrats in Virginia, and one of them gave me his take on it, namely that it was just a matter of Webb waiting Allen out. Webb knew that Allen was a bigot, and that Allen liked to say certain things while talking to rural whites, exploiting their prejudice for votes. But trackers' cameras prevented Allen from his usual techniques, and footage documenting any racially-charged remarks would naturally have been damaging for Allen's Presidential aspirations, were they to find their way onto television. So Allen had to run a race-neutral campaign, which was apparently too much for the man to handle -- he finally cracked and lashed out at someone, in this case the tracker himself... with camera rolling. You have to wonder if the volunteer just happened to be dark-skinned by coincidence, or if that was a strategic consideration, too. Of course, George Allen's Presidential aspirations are over now. I always thought it was presumptuous of Allen to think he had a chance at that job anyway, since he's not even a decent Senator. If Jim Webb doesn't manage to win the Senate race, at least he saved the country from that nonsense. But I've never written off the Webb Senate campaign, and according to Webb's staffers, donations are rolling into his campaign since the Macaca incident. To the credit of Americans, they don't believe that George Allen is fit for the Senate. I've always thought that Webb had a shot at defeating Allen, partly because of his background -- you'd expect the old Navy Secretary to have some strategic plans, and it didn't take long for this particular one to pan out for him. It was rather early in the campaign for Allen to crack so easily, and I wouldn't be surprised to see more happenings as the election heats up. |
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![]() ![]() "Monkey" is also a term sometimes used affectionately for children -- my nicknames for my 2 eldest nieces are "green-eyed monkey" and "brown-eyed monkey." Why are children often called monkeys? Well, those two nieces and their brother would often swing on their grandmother's treadmill handles, for example -- but aren't all children really unsocialized primates at the outset of their lives? "Monkey" can also be a pejorative term in a non-racial and somewhat cute way. In fact, while relating the story of Patrick Flanagan (a scientist I deeply respect*), I refer to Dr. Flanagan and his research associates as the Pentagon's "science monkeys." And during the Democratic primaries in Virginia, I once referred to Allen's challenger, Jim Webb, as "Reagan's monkey." Both of those terms were meant to be humorous while mocking the men deliberately, largely for lending their minds and talents to exploitative employers who were less than worthy. Certainly, Flanagan didn't agree with some of the ways his work was used after he left the Pentagon (some in mind control technology, which he later tried to counter by inventing the golden ratio neurophone), and Webb eventually had to walk out on Reagan to avoid being a party to extreme policies he felt were harming the US Navy. But calling people monkeys or monkey-like terms to belittle their skin color or race -- that's called prejudice. They didn't do anything wrong -- they were just born a darker shade of brown than most "white" people. In fact, Allen ought to take a look in the mirror sometime -- he's not exactly a blue-eyed blonde, and anyway he's running against a blue-eyed redhead! ...So... Who's the "Macaca" in THAT race? The week following Allen's "Macaca" incident, as luck would have it, Allen was scheduled to have a "Veterans for Allen" event in Norfolk. I happened to be within driving distance at the time, and decided to cruise down to Norfolk to get photos of Senators John McCain and Allen, and anything else going on. Local activists were saying there'd be a protest at the event. I decided to drive through the area earlier in the day, to find the hotel and look for parking, maybe get a few photos just in case the area was blocked off later and I was unable to get through. (It turns out the event wasn't that popular, and later the streets were wide open with plenty of parking.) I saw a truck covered with Allen signs outside of the hotel as they set up, and a confederate flag draped out of a car's trunk in traffic just a few blocks away (pictured above), although I can't say if that particular luxury car was affiliated with the event. ![]() When I arrived, McCain and Allen were just about to run between Allen's bus -- named "Rolling Freedom" -- and the building. Both McCain and Allen refused to answer any questions from the press, as the press begged them to take questions later if not at the outset. It was pretty obvious why: they were scared of Macaca questions. I was reminded of Dan Quayle as I saw Allen pass the camera. Both he and his wife had that "deer in the headlights" look that made Quayle (and now Bush) famous. McCain then walked by, in a rush, but not seeming as desperate to get away as Allen. Although McCain's smile seemed a little forced, I'm sure he was happy in a way -- it was obvious there'd be one less candidate competing against him for the 2008 Presidential nomination! ![]() Even so, my opinion of McCain will never be the same. After Allen and McCain bolted past the press and into the side entrance to avoid taking questions, I decided not to crash their party for more photos. I later heard that Webb had a local Marine film the event -- Webb was a Marine in his younger years and seems to have tremendous support from Marines in particular. Afterwards, Allen's people told the press that no Webb supporters were there -- assuming all Vets present supported Allen without bothering to ask. ![]() ![]() Other people carried signs protesting Allen's racial slur "Macaca" instead of Allen's credibility with Veterans -- I didn't ask whether they were Veterans. It was pretty obvious why they were there. The following day, the local paper (The Virginian-Pilot) covered Allen's Veterans event. Also in the same issue, nearly a week after the remarks were made, it finally covered the Macaca incident -- after the national press had already informed the rest of the country. But both stories were buried in a middle section of the paper -- quite obscure for a celebrity like John McCain coming to town, or for a local story that made national news for days. And the photo of people protesting Allen's "Macaca" slur was buried in the middle of that middle section, whereas a huge color photo of McCain and Allen appeared on the front page of that section. Of course, no photos were included showing protestors dealing with Allen's dire voting record on Veterans' issues, or the war in Iraq. (After its brief stint of slightly less bias in reporting than usual, a few days later The Pilot's headlines were back to gay marriage and other Republican talking points.) |
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I'm not sure why Allen bothered to host a Veterans' event, as the military was never an interest of his, and anyway Veterans' affairs is the domain of his opponent. Allen was just a spoiled kid from California whose father happened to be a coach, and his family landed in Virginia when his father took a job coaching the Washington Redskins. Allen was never in the military, whereas his challenger Jim Webb was a Marine honored for heroics in Vietnam, later Secretary of the Navy, and an advocate for Veterans after he went into law and journalism. I guess Allen's pandering to those whose interests are better served by his opponent is another lesson of life from it all. In fact, there seem to be a number of lessons from this year's Virginia elections: Lessons of Life from Macaca-Land: 1.) Humility I think we should rename Virginia "Macaca-Land," just to keep Virginians humble. Kind of like saying "Joe McCarthy... Senator from WISCONSIN" when Wisconsinites need some extra humility. 2.) Maturity The Macaca incident underlines intellectual differences between Webb and Allen -- much like an adult and child. I've never seen Webb lash out at his audience, even after, as he puts it, being asked every day on the campaign if he'll stay a Democrat now that he's changed parties. In fact, when Webb is frustrated he seems to deal with it by explaining how he feels and why, much like the patience of a parent explaining things to a child. That shows much more control than name-calling, particularly calling someone an equivalent term for "darkie." ![]() One thing that impressed me early in the campaign was Jim Webb's answer to a question during the Democratic primary, asking how he'd manage to pull out of the Iraq War while keeping the area stable. He actually used the "D word," so rarely heard under the Bush presidency -- Diplomacy. In fact, Webb was a total diplomat with me during the primaries, even though he'd apparently heard about my little tirade on Democrats taking in all of these McCain and now Reagan Republicans. When he saw me at the Democratic breakfast, he smiled. He threw his arm around me and volunteered to have his photo taken with me. He tolerated my ravenous appetite for taking his photo... over, and over, and over again at that and later events. He thoughtfully answered the questions of a friend I brought to the event. His patience paid off on that one -- now every time I write about him, I have these nice photos to show. That's what being a DIPLOMAT can do for you. Compare that with George Allen's brand of diplomacy -- his name is now identified with the word "Macaca" worldwide, and on my site, I have the one photo of his "deer in the headlights" expression with his wife. Oh, and I also have a photo of his backside running away from reporters like a scared bunny rabbit! ![]() In 2004, Webb voted for Kerry and changed parties from Republican to Democrat. Before running for the Democratic primary, Webb explained that when he voted for Bush and Allen in 2000, he was expecting to see some leadership, and he was still waiting to see it. Now, this is a great little lesson from "Macaca Land" -- a clear-cut example of leadership. While Bush is trying to confuse the American public into supporting wars he wanted in Afghanistan and then Iraq, and Allen is trying to appeal to the worst bigotry in people, Webb is asking people to not only learn the difference between Iraq and Afghanistan, but to follow him through some policies that require complex thought. In other words, he's asking people to do better for themselves, to learn more and to at least try to come up with better solutions based on facts and intelligent thought. Compare that to Bush's thoughts on issues as large and violent as war -- "They're all a bunch of Terra-ists." Or to Allen's reason that rural whites should vote for him -- because he can call brown people "darkies," too. That's leading people into stupidity and bigotry. How is asking people to be worse than themselves going to help anyone? 5.) Honesty Like sending young kids out front to hold "Veterans for Allen" signs, Allen's use of Senator McCain to pretend he cares about Vets was obvious dishonesty. You'd think he'd pick issues where he has his own strengths instead of trying to fake a voting record. It's also bad enough to lose control and make a mistake as big as "Macaca," but it's much worse when your lies are obvious to everyone as you try to dig yourself out of a hole. Allen's lack of honesty revealed a nature much more sinister than the simple bigot he would have been, had he taken responsibility for his actions. ![]() Lately I've had numerous experiences confirming that one person can really make a difference. A huge difference, actually. In this case, one brown face exposed some pretty ugly behavior, which in turn caused our nation to question the standards we should have for our leaders. Thankfully, many Americans were outraged, showing that we do indeed want higher standards than "Macaca." 7.) Intelligence Sometimes you're just plain outsmarted. Sometimes people know you're a bigot and they're just waiting for you to say so. Sometimes... you're just not fit to be a US Senator. 8.) Glass houses George Allen likes to "play the hillbilly" while pandering to rural whites in Virginia, slamming Jim Webb for working with "Hollywood." (I'm sure it's useful for Hollywood to have people who've really been in combat when they crank out war movies.) Allen also likes to pretend he's pro-military because he supports the Iraq War. But in reality, Webb came from a military family, and he started his adulthood the hard way -- as a Marine in Vietnam. Webb also comes from a Southern family, whereas Allen is a transplant from California -- he's the spoiled rich kid in this race, and pretty much a phoney. The problem with accusing your opponent of having your own characteristics is that when people have been convinced that those characteristics are undesirable, many of them will continue to think they're undesirable after they find out that you actually share those characteristics yourself. Well, thanks for the wild ride, Macaca-Land! It's been entertaining -- lots of lessons and good laughs all around. Hope you can turn things around for yourself, maybe get your old name & respect back someday... It's been fun. [Posted 22 August 2006, last updated 15 September 2006] *Patrick Flanagan's old interviews on are fascinating, definitely worth ordering the CDs if still available. (Flanagan was the author of Pyramid Power, a famous book from the 1970s -- I ordered one of the few used copies on the market and read it. It's quite a good book. Later, a friend told me that he'd bought one of Flanagan's razor-preserving pyramids decades ago, when they were popular. I asked my friend, did it work? He said that the razor he used it with lasted a VERY long time... There are a couple of Rense show interviews with Flanagan on this link, although they deal with pyramids and not the experiments I mention below.) Here's how I describe one of my favorite Patrick Flanagan stories: One day, Flanagan and his fellow science monkeys from the Pentagon were gathered at one of their homes, preparing to start some experiments. They often experimented at their homes, on their own time -- Flanagan once described why he believes that Jesus told people to love their enemies (often scientists are deeply religious). Flanagan once took frequency readings on both his wife and himself, and then started to think loving thoughts toward his wife. He noticed that his wife then started to emit the same "loving" frequencies. Thus, he said, Jesus told you to love your enemies because your enemies would then love you in return. I wonder if the experimenting on his wife thing contributed to his divorce... But I digress. So Flanagan and his gang of science monkeys were taking a reading on the home's electrical ground, to get a baseline reading before they started their experiments for the day. At that particular moment, as fate would have it, in walked Dr. Lilly, inventor of the Lilly Wave -- a type of mind control wave that can enter the brain while evading detection by the human/animal receiving it. (There are other types of mind control waves, for example patents have been found for mind control technology based on bursts of microwaves and other methods, some probably more damaging to the person/animal than the Lilly Wave. Who knows what the government is using these days -- probably everything it has.) As soon as Lilly saw the electrical meter, he said, "How did you know about Lilly Waves?" Flanagan and the other scientists immediately knew what Lilly's remark meant. They looked at each other and said, "So THAT'S how they do it!" (Referring to at least one way the government delivers mind control waves to the masses -- through the electrical grid.) The thing that amazed me most about Flanagan's story was that Dr. Lilly himself didn't know how his invention was being used! That's why I always tell kids who dream about discovering this or that, to think about the world of classified science and how their invention could be taken away from them and used by people with bad intentions. Flanagan had such an experience as a tender young teenager, when his science fair invention to detect nuclear launches (Flanagan modestly claimed it was simple triangulation) was seized and classified, with a friendly letter from Uncle Sam advising him that he'd receive death by firing squad for treason if he were to provide plans for that invention to anyone else. Incidentally, Flanagan thinks that invention is still in use today, mounted on satellites to detect nuclear launches from space. Flanagan also had to invent a scrambling device to get one of his earliest inventions, the Neurophone, out of secrecy. The Neurophone has quite a story behind it -- Flanagan leaving a message for a CIA agent that the CIA denied having as an employee... but who later returned Flanagan's call from the message, etc. Long story short (order Flanagan's interviews from if you need more detail), Flanagan had invented a device called the "Neurophone," which allowed deaf people (or anyone else) to hear through their skin via a pea-sized organ in the ear (probably leftover from our dolphin-like ancestors) called a "saccule". Flanagan's "neurophone" didn't require surgery -- a person could simply wear a couple of metal pads on the forehead (concealed under an athletic headband, if desired), allowing that person to hear any sound input through the neurophone. Well, the government put that invention into secrecy right away -- quite a nice technology for making people "hear voices" in their heads and all -- and Flanagan had to go through the CIA guy (and invent something new) in order to get it declassified -- because he actually wanted to HELP DEAF PEOPLE with the device. I've never tried a "classic" neurophone, but I have ordered a "golden ratio neurophone" (again, order the shows if you want to know the background on that), and I can tell you that plugging your ears only makes it louder! It's like hearing from the inside out! And the golden ratio neurophone was invented to put "pink noise" and Fibonacci noise directly into your brain, to fight mind control waves. I found it much easier to concentrate when I had it on... In fact, where is that thing? I just saw it the other day... Flanagan said that the Golden Ratio Neurophone disrupts repetition, and mind control is based on repetition, as your mind needs repetition to recognize frequencies of importance. There are various forms of mind control technology these days, and one well-known delivery system is the television. Around the same time that the Russian government made news by selling basic emotional frequencies to the television industry, I'd already noticed what seemed to be mind control technology coming out of the idiot box. For example, by living in the Los Angeles area during the 90s, I'd become almost immune to stories of kidnappings, murder, etc., on the news. After all, Los Angeles' "local news" is nothing more than murder after kidnapping after murder for an entire hour every night -- I used to skip the local news for national because I was so tired of hearing about so many local murders. But just a couple of years later, I would regularly be working on my computer with the TV tuned to CNN in the corner of the room, and would notice that I'd have a strong propensity to cry when a sad story came on, even though I was barely paying attention and really wasn't moved by the story at all. It seemed as though frequencies to elicit certain emotions had been embedded into the TV broadcasts. Yet I noticed that while wearing the Golden Ratio Neurophone, such changes in mood were merely a strong initial push toward an emotion at the outset (like crying without reason, etc.), but it was only momentary -- the emotion didn't last. There are other forms of mind control and mind reading technology that aren't well-published, too many to mention here, and I'm sure Flanagan is unaware of some of them (at least officially). For example, an old friend told me that a Vietnam Vet had once said a computer in the midwest (in Kansas, I think?) would basically download a person's brain at birth, and then the government would have everyone's brain on file over their entire lifetimes. Sounds strange? Well, another technique that seems to be mentioned on the internet is what I felt the Secret Service used on me as I was questioned for taking photos of the Clintons' home in New York (an attempt to put photos of their house into my autumn foliage photo gallery). Basically, when "they" want you to remember something or react a certain way, your own thought patterns guide you through one incident after another in your life, one connecting to another, until you get to the event or the mood that they want you to have. It's as though they're using a computer-guided system with your entire life databased, and then individual events with something in common are strung together and presented to your brain, in order to elicit a certain response. This would require searching and compiling by a very powerful computer with an entire life history either already on file, or uploaded as needed. And it's almost impossible to determine that these thoughts are put into your mind externally (I'm sure due to Lilly-wave or like technology), aside from the foreign thought patterns (as in, a pattern of thought that wasn't anything you'd normally do on your own) and the documented technique recognized as being abnormal. I've heard other people describe the same event-guided thought patterns, something they thought was odd as well. Then there are more large-scale and simple mind control projects, for example trying to whip up paranoia or fear and hatred as the country ramps up to unwarranted oil wars or whatnot... I'm sure Lilly waves through the electrical grid is more than adequate for projects like that. Oh, back to my point of bringing up Patrick Flanagan and the use of his and other science monkeys' work? Well, isn't it obvious? Did the Pentagon think of them as human beings, or care about anything they wanted, as their work created powerful new technology? Of course not! They were just a bunch of monkeys, something to be exploited and then discarded after the experiments, for the purpose of their masters. Barely more valuable than experimental animals, certainly not regarded as human beings. In fact, "monkeys" might be too good of a word for their positions in life... Back to the top © 2006 by Pam Rotella, including photographs. The photos on this page are subject to my Copyright notice and limited use permission agreement. Back to Pam's vegan vegetarian FUN page Pam's vegan vegetarian cookbook, with vegan vegetarian recipes |